i47 Innovation Labs

Working on lake restoration efforts with the local government in Bangalore inspired an interest in water problems in Sajin K, the Founder of i47 Labs. When he realised the scale of water leakage problems in urban areas, he launched i47 Labs, to work on solutions in water management. i47 Labs manufactures hardware and hosts a platform to make all aspects of water management easy, right from supply automation to real-time measurement to quality monitoring. Their solution helps reduce consumption and non-revenue water waste by reducing demand reduction through intelligence on leakages and overuse. They have experienced savings of 25-35% in water for an average urban household through just close monitoring and wastage alerts. For a city like Bangalore, where the demand and supply of water in 2025 are predicted to be 2314 MLD and 1800 MLD respectively, this deficit of around 28% can be met almost entirely by focusing on demand reduction through awareness and leakage detection.

I47 Labs


Working on lake restoration efforts with the local government in Bangalore inspired an interest in water problems in Sajin K, the Founder of i47 Labs. When he realised the scale of water leakage problems in urban areas, he launched i47 Labs, to work on solutions in water management. i47 Labs manufactures hardware and hosts a platform to make all aspects of water management easy, right from supply automation to real-time measurement to quality monitoring. Their solution helps reduce consumption and non-revenue water waste by reducing demand reduction through intelligence on leakages and overuse. They have experienced savings of 25-35% in water for an average urban household through just close monitoring and wastage alerts. For a city like Bangalore, where the demand and supply of water in 2025 are predicted to be 2314 MLD and 1800 MLD respectively, this deficit of around 28% can be met almost entirely by focusing on demand reduction through awareness and leakage detection.

Impact stream

Intelligent water distribution and leakage

Geographies/ Locations

Bangalore. About to start in Kerala and Pune.


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Sajin K

Sajin K

Sini Mukundan

Sini Mukundan

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