The/Nudge Prize
Solving underserved developmental problems.
Sparking innovation at scale
The world is facing unprecedented challenges today. Communities at the bottom of the pyramid have a disproportionately larger struggle in building sustainable livelihoods.

To address these challenges, a bold response is needed to spark innovation at scale.

Our purpose is to help innovators cover disproportionate distance in their problem solving journey by providing all the required support

DCM Shriram AgWater Challenge

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Ashirvad Water Challenge

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Cisco Agri Challenge

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The world, as we know it today, is facing unprecedented challenges. Communities at the bottom of the economic pyramid have a disproportionately larger struggle in building sustainable livelihoods. 

A bold response is needed to spark innovation and disrupt the system to address these challenges and The/Nudge Prize aims to be a platform that catalyses the spark.

Our vision is to inspire and nurture India’s best minds through grand challenges, with expert guidance and support, that will focus the attention of problem solvers, corporate sponsors, and policymakers on specific problem statements with a defined timeframe.

Our Theory of Change

defined problem statement for impact and innovation at scale
🌟 Talent
💵 Capital
📸 Public
solutions for scale and impact
impact and ecosystem sustain beyond the challenge

What we do

cost to the buyer should be equal or lesser than existing solutions
any additional water provided to households should be directly attributable to the solution
Public Attention
Public Attention
buyer or end user should understand the solution provided and know how to keep it operational



Purdue University Experts and Cisco Leadership Engage with the Semi-Finalists


Innovate Keeping the Farmer at the Centre: Sowmya Kidambi’s Message to Agritech Entrepreneurs


‘Blooming’ Success- Farmers Who Decided to Step Out of Their Comfort Zones and Harvested Success with Bioprime Agrisolutions!

Read all stories

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and its upcoming challenges?

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