
Expert Talk: Anilkumar SG, Samunnati Gets Candid on Lessons Learnt During the Pandemic

July 2021

In a session organized by the program team as a part of Expert Talk Series, Anilkumar SG, Founder & CEO of Samunnati shared his organisation’s journey through the storm and the lessons the budding entrepreneurs can learn from it. Anil, in his more than an hour-long interaction, shared how anticipating the crisis early and preparing for worst case scenarios helped the organization in keeping up with its commitments to all its stakeholders. He also talked about the great results proactive & regular communication among the core team members brought for the organization. Continuing his ‘People First’ views, he said that in any organization, the most important stakeholders are the employees and it is the duty of the leadership to show solidarity and make them feel secure, especially during the times of a crisis.

Anil’s candid approach sparked a lively conversation among the contestants and some remarkable questions were asked by them. When asked what he thinks about the future of entrepreneurship in Agriculture, Anil said, “This decade belongs to agriculture and there is no better time to be an entrepreneur in this space.” Answering another question about the competition in this space and the strategy an entrepreneur should use to counter that, Anil was unequivocal in saying that the space is so huge that it is possible for multiple players to not just co-exist, but also thrive. He went on to share examples of some of the current big players in the space starting with taking a loan from Samunnati and eventually turning up as business partners.