
Bioprime - Building India’s biggest plant trait-modifying microbe library, ‘Bionexus’

July 2022

Bioprime is focusing on building India's biggest library of plant trait modifying microbes under their ambitious Bionexus project. India, with its varied agro climatic regions, ecotypes and biodiversity hotspots, has a wealth of undiscovered and untapped microbes. Bioprime’s R&D team has collected soil samples from 100 carefully selected locations and ecotypes and the library currently contains 5500 microbes.

The first generation of biologicals based on SNIPR (Smart Nanomolecules Induced Physiology Response) technology are at an early commercialization phase. The team has discovered first in class signaling molecules-based growth and yield enhancers, and initiated 19 different university trials for validating product efficacy on various crops in different agroclimatic zones. As per the recently released Biostimulant guidelines, all biologicals must pass stringent toxicity tests, and residue and heavy metal tests. Bioprime’s products have passed these stringent tests due to its technologically advanced SNIPR extraction process.

To build rapid market penetration, the team is forging key distribution partnerships. In July, Bioprime launched a transparent green seaweed product, based on novel plant health and growth, promoting signaling molecules with Agrostar and has already received tremendous positive response from the market.

In addition to building a robust product pipeline, Bioprime is focusing on increasing and incentivising efficient use of nutrient biologicals to reduce urea dependency and carbon footprint of our food. With the aim of reducing urea consumption in 25000 acres by 10%, the team has initiated NUE trials with IIHR Bangalore. These studies have been initiated to reduce nitrogen requirement, especially Urea, by 25% and 50%.

Bioprime is in a rapid growth and expansion phase, and has increased its lab space and capacity by 4x and production capacity by 2x. Additionally, Bioprime has been chosen to be a part of the Indian startup delegation to Vivatech, Paris, France By Niti Aayog. Vivatech is one of the biggest technology events in the world. And for the first time, Vivatech has decided to honor a country as the ‘Country of the Year’, and has chosen India.